
Chit Chat: Challenging Yourself

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Chit Chat: Challenging Yourself
I know many people do not make New Year's Resolutions because they believe that doing so is just setting themselves up to fail and there are plenty of studies out there that seem to back this up. (On article I read said only 8% of the 40% of Americans who make resolutions succeed). I, however, make resolutions every year. Typically it is just a list of goals I jot down and want to work towards accomplishing in the New Year. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fall short as I do with any other goals I set for myself but even if the resolution does not stick I have never thought of myself as failing.

I am a big believer in challenging myself. I have always seen it as a way to grow and get things done that I wouldn't otherwise do. I love having things to work towards so setting goals is very important to me. I have always viewed resolutions as just another way of establishing goals. Once I have a goal set I can map out a game plan (huge planner here) and get to work. It is when I don't have goals that I struggle. During those times I feel stagnant and like I am floundering but having goals, plans, and ambitions is exhilarating.

Even if I don't quite make it and I am unable to grasp the end result that I wanted I think of myself as improved for trying. If the goal is really important to me I will commit myself to trying again and having learned from my last attempt I will be better prepared to tackle the obstacles in front of me the next time.

Having set goals clarifies my objectives and reminds me of my purpose. While I set goals year round the beginning of a new year has always seemed like a clean slate to me, full of opportunity with anything being possible. By making resolutions I am looking ahead to who I want to be in a year and what it will take to accomplish that.

Did you make resolutions this year? Are you still on track to keep them?

P.S. You can read Jessica's post on looking back on 2014 here.

via: Photo of Dara Kent-Cobb by The Glitter Guide


  1. I didn't make resolutions, just goals to aim for, it's easier that way :)) xx

  2. I made a new year resolutions not to buy shoe or clothes. Still going strong. As for goal I want to run more and read more books.


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