When it comes to fashion related items I can never have enough bags. Satchels, shoulder bags, clutches, you name it I love it. There's no one particular color or print that I love the most. To me variety is best. Then I always have what I need or something close to it. I love neutrals black bags with gold zippers and details or a beautiful brown bag. Neutrals look great with anything and they are perfect for work. I also love bright bold colors like hot pink and cobalt blue. Sometimes I want my bag to make a statement. I also love glittery clutches or clutches with beautiful prints. One of my most recent purchases is a Kate Spade floral clutch. I absolutely love it and would pack it everywhere if it would always hold everything I would need.
I don't change my bag that often. A few weeks would be the minimum that I carry a bag at a time. I am one of those people who change bags every day. I just don't take the time to do that. I will admit that I sometimes dread cleaning my bag out to switch to a different one. Do you coordinate your bag from day to day or are you more like me? Do you have a favorite type of bag?
via: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Oh, I love the second bag so much! I actually stayed up late last night looking at bags. I think it's time for me to invest in a classic bag that I really love and will be able to use for years. I love satchel, or really any bag with a structured shape.
ReplyDeletestar-crossed smile
Oh, so many amazing bags!
ReplyDeletei love fun bags too! i use a main bag for work everyday but then change it out for the weekend for something smaller.
ReplyDelete-- jackie @ jade and oak
That last one... with the gold studs! OMG NEED IT.
ReplyDeleteJules of Canines & Couture
I love that clutch with the gold studs. And the color of the green Coach bag is so pretty!
ReplyDeleteThat green bag is perfection!
Penniless Socialite
Group Giveaway!
Very stylish and seems to be very comfortable.Love the first bag.
that green bag is so beautiful!
I want all of these! love that first one the best. great color.
Lady à la Mode
I quite like the first couple bags, they are lovely and have a great shape too :) I need a new bag :)) xx
ReplyDeleteI love cross body bags